Publicity Group

The Publicity Group takes on the task of promoting the work of our church in the community and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to all in the parish. Their work includes displays inside and outside of the building, our on-line presence, liaison with local media and networking in the local community. The group see their role very much in the spirit of “outreach and mission”.

 Over recent months their actions and activities have included:

  • The design, production and distribution of over one thousand Christmas cards to schools in the parish.
  • The placement of a poster in shops in each village in the parish, as a greeting to the wider parish.
  • The distribution of a poster to care homes and residences for their noticeboards; Washington Lodge, Washington Grange, Washington Manor, Willowbrook, Woodridge Gardens and Briarlea, Whiteladies.
  • Assistance to Rev’d Brenda and Ivy in the "Ivy's Angels" project.
  • Upkeep and refresh of the church noticeboard.

 And there is more in the pipeline!

 If you would like to know more, or would like to provide your input and support, please contact them via email at and include the subject line of "Attention Chair of Publicity Group".

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